Friday, February 24, 2012

Jakob der Lügner 2012

1. Many people are taught when they are young that lying is wrong. Do you believe there are times in life when it is permissible to lie? Why or why not? Give examples to support your position. (70 words)

2. Do you believe Jakob was justified when he lied about having a radio? Was it permissible in this situation? Explain why or why not and discuss the consequences (whether good or bad) of his lie. You should also consider the possible ramifications of not lying. What would you have done in the same situation? (70 words)

3. Clouds are used as a metaphor throughout the movie. Think of the story Jakob told about the sick princess and the young gardener. What do you think the cloud represents? Who are the sick princess and the young gardener boy? Write your thoughts about what each could possibly symbolize.


Rebecca Adams said...

Most of the time lying is wrong, however, in some circumstances lying is perfectly acceptable.Why is it acceptable? It completely depends on the situation. For example, the book, Number the Stars, is set during the Holocaust. The main character is taking food to the Jews being sailed to safety, but she got caught by a German soldier. In this case it was perfectly acceptable for her to lie to the
German soldier about what she was doing because she was protecting other people's lives.
I believe that Jakob was justified in his very first lie. Because Mischa did not believe him he had to lie to save him from risking his life for some food. So, in this situation I believe it was acceptable for him to lie, just the once. The consequences of this lie were getting everyone's hopes up, rumors spreading, and him having to tell more lies to cover up the first one. The first lie was okay but he should have stayed quiet after that and not done anything else.
I think that the cloud symbolized the end of the war, because it healed the sick little princess. I think that the princess was supposed to be Lina because she was sad that there was a war going on and that she would only get better when the war ended, and that her and Misha (the gardener) would live happily ever after, the end.
--Rebecca Adams

Trevor Read said...

I think lying all depends on your intentions. Most of the time, it's just generally wrong but in the situation that these people were in, there were times when lying was necessary. Most lying that went on during the Holocaust was intended for other's safety. In the book, The Hiding Place, the main character, along with her family basically turn their house into a place for jews to hide until they were able to find a safe place for them elsewhere. During this, she lied multiple times about hiding jews. In my mind her lying very much justified because her intentions were to keep these people safe, even if it meant risking her safety.
I think the beginning of Jakob's lie was alright, as I think he needed to tell Mischa something to stop him from stealing food, and endangering himself. That lie had good intentions but I think that saying that he had an actual radio was not necessary. Saying he had a radio caused rumors and hopes of things that were not certain to be happening. Now I understand his position, and needing his story to be believed, but I think that I would have stopped the lie, instead of adding to the lies to back up the first. Because anytime Jakob lied about radio broadcasts he had heard, the stories spread more and more, putting himself in more and more danger.
I always thought of the clouds as a safe place, a place with no war. I think that the princess was Lina, as she was sick for the beginning of the movie, and Mischa was the gardener. Then in the story, it says that cotton balls (clouds) were what helped the princess get well. A place with safety and without war for the princess.

-Trevor Read A3

Kayden Maxwell said...
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Kayden Maxwell said...

Well obviously lying is a choice that always has a consequence. The reason lying is frowned upon is because these consequences can spiral out of control to huge changes based on one simple statement of untruth. But these consequences aren't always bad. Lying can have good results, we just aren't told that because more often than not the results turn out bad. But sometimes it can be necessary. In the book, "Zach's Lie" by Roland Smith, Zach is part of the Witness Protection Program. In order to protect himself and his family, he has to make up a new identity and life. But it's really all just a lie. However, it is a necessary lie. So I think lying is okay, depending on the circumstances. Mr. Dean, if you're looking for advice whether you should lie or not, I'm sorry, but you have to be the judge yourself of whether or not it's okay. =D
Well of course it was justified for Jakob to lie. After all, he told the truth first. But in his odd case, where the truth was so inconceivable that it simply wasn't believed, he had to lie. He saved his friend's life. No one could have foreseen how out of control the small lie could have gotten. Jakob should have kept quiet after the first lie and not kept making up stuff to keep people living off of false hopes. Since being honest is always good, I'd like to honestly say that my comment is WAY better than Rebecca's. And also that neither of us really want to do this. And I'm awesome. Just to give examples of being honest.
I agree with my friend of lesser importance, Rebecca, in that the clouds probably symbolize peace and the war ending. The princess was Lina, because... well... Lina acted out the princess. And the gardener was Mischa for the same reason. But because I'm better than Rebecca (no offense, "Gus"), I will add that the war ending was represented by a cloud because it seems impossible to get. Misha had to make something that fit Lena's definition of a cloud without actually getting a cloud, he couldn't control that. In other words, he had to give her false hopes that peace was coming. It had the desired effect and made her happy, but like the cloud in the story, eventually she would grow and realize that it wasn't truly what she thought it was, and she could get more sad than she was before.
--Kayden Maxwell, das kustlich schmetterling

Josh said...

1:Most of the time lying is completely wrong, however in some cases it can be acceptable. It all depends on your intentions.Well when is it acceptable. Lying is acceptable when you are protecting yourself, your family, and your friends from an outside danger. When this threat is not there, lying often times will just hurt somebody or even come back to hurt you. In the Giver, the government lies to the entire town. They fill them with false information about why the town is the way it is.
2:I agree that Jakob was justified when he lied about the radio. Even though it was a lie, it was the truth... The information about the russians was correct, but when he said he had the radio that was the lie. Jakob took a huge risk about lying about the radio. Even though his intentions were to keep the information on the down low, it spread like a wild fire through the entire ghetto, and even outside of the ghetto. When he wasn't caught, his new information filled all of the jews in the ghetto with hope and wonder. They became confident that the war would end soon and that they would be free once again.
3:I think the clouds represent a world with no danger or war. The clouds are definately what lena dreams for. The sick princess represents lena, she is sick and hopeless. The gardner represents Mischa, who is the crush of lena. When you think about it, it all comes together.
Josh Transtrum A3

Unknown said...

1. Lying can be a good thing or a bad thing. Depending on the situation it can be good, even save someone's life by lying to them. In an article it talks about how a doctor lied to his patient by telling him he had a fifty-fifty chance to live when really, he would only have six more months. The doctor did this to bring hope to the patient. If he had told the patient the truth, he might have got depressed and committed suicide. So, in this situation, it was a good thing to lie.

2. Jakob was justified because he was saving someone's life. Jakob knew that he would get killed if he is caught stealing the potatoes so Jakob lied and told him he had a radio and the Russians are coming. So then Jacob's friend did not get killed.

3. The story of the sick princess had many metaphors in it. I think the princess could have represented the people in the ghetto because they needed help and hope. The gardner represents Jakob the cloud he gives the princess is the news from "Jakob's radio" because this gives them hope for a new life and for things to go back to normal.

-Marissa Forsberg

ThatOneGirl said...

1. A lot of the time lying is wrong, just like we were taught when we were little. An example of when it would be wrong would be when you murder an elf with a fork, and then deny your crime in prison. But, in Jakob's position, lying is perfectly acceptable. He was lying to save a friend at the beginning, which personally I believe is fine. The lie did escalate, and if I were him I wouldn't have taken it that far, but he was giving the Jews in the ghetto hope that they did not have before. The suicide rate did go down, and they were working more happily every day. When Jakob told his friend that he was lying, his friend committed suicide because there no longer was any hope. Even though the lie did escalate, it was keeping people from doing what his friend did and also it saved Mischa.

2. Yes, I believe that Jakob was justified in lying... but only the first time. I think this because the small lie he told to Mischa saved his life. Mischa was going to be shot, just to get a few potatoes for dinner. By lying to him, Jakob instilled hope in him. It is Mischa's fault that the lie got so out of control because he went around and told everyone. If he hadn't, Jakob wouldn't have had to continue to lie, but Mischa would still have hope. The consequences of Jakob's lie were that he put false hope in everyone (even though hope is good, false hope isn't always fine and dandy) and that he was forced to continue to lie to continue the chain of false hope he had already started with Mischa. I think that telling the first lie was okay because it had a purpose, but continuing to lie is just not okay.

3. I think that in the story Lina heard on the "radio" the cloud symbolized freedom because she needed it to get better. I think that the princess symbolized all of the Jews, because in theory (not sure if I used that right) all of the Jews were "sick". I think that the gardener symbolized the Russians because in the story, the gardener heals the princess by bringing her a cloud. In real life, they were all hoping that the Russians would come and bring them freedom.

~Ellee Hadlock

P.S. Mr. Dean, we must have a pancake party. Watch the presentation I sent you! I also wrote an awesome paper for you to read(:

heidi_aguayo said...

1. I think that lying is acceptable when it's a matter of life or death, and/or when your lying to benefit another person. Like in the article we read in class about the doctor lying to the patient about how long they had to live. I think it was okay for the doctor to lie, because the lie wasn't benefiting the doctor in any way. It was so that the patient wouldn't go into depression about it and die earlier or something. So I think that in situations like that it's okay for someone to lie.

2. I think that Jakob's lie is justified, because he was doing it to say Mischa's life. But then he should have just stopped there and not gone on lying about how much closer the Russian's were. Because it just led to him lying more and more. Because at the moment it was to save someones life, but then there was no reason for him to keep lying. Like to Linda and pretend to have the radio behind the wall and stuff. I think that I would have done the same thing Jakob did, in his situation. Because it was to same a life.

3. I think the clouds represent the freedom and like liberty for the Jews. I think the sick princess represents all the people in the ghetto and all the Jews. And the young gardener boy represents the Russians or really anyone trying to help the Jews get freed.

heidi_aguayo said...

1. I think that lying is acceptable when it's a matter of life or death, and/or when your lying to benefit another person. Like in the article we read in class about the doctor lying to the patient about how long they had to live. I think it was okay for the doctor to lie, because the lie wasn't benefiting the doctor in any way. It was so that the patient wouldn't go into depression about it and die earlier or something. So I think that in situations like that it's okay for someone to lie.

2. I think that Jakob's lie is justified, because he was doing it to say Mischa's life. But then he should have just stopped there and not gone on lying about how much closer the Russian's were. Because it just led to him lying more and more. Because at the moment it was to save someones life, but then there was no reason for him to keep lying. Like to Linda and pretend to have the radio behind the wall and stuff. I think that I would have done the same thing Jakob did, in his situation. Because it was to same a life.

3. I think the clouds represent the freedom and like liberty for the Jews. I think the sick princess represents all the people in the ghetto and all the Jews. And the young gardener boy represents the Russians or really anyone trying to help the Jews get freed.

heidi_aguayo said...

1. I think that lying is acceptable when it's a matter of life or death, and/or when your lying to benefit another person. Like in the article we read in class about the doctor lying to the patient about how long they had to live. I think it was okay for the doctor to lie, because the lie wasn't benefiting the doctor in any way. It was so that the patient wouldn't go into depression about it and die earlier or something. So I think that in situations like that it's okay for someone to lie.

2. I think that Jakob's lie is justified, because he was doing it to say Mischa's life. But then he should have just stopped there and not gone on lying about how much closer the Russian's were. Because it just led to him lying more and more. Because at the moment it was to save someones life, but then there was no reason for him to keep lying. Like to Linda and pretend to have the radio behind the wall and stuff. I think that I would have done the same thing Jakob did, in his situation. Because it was to same a life.

3. I think the clouds represent the freedom and like liberty for the Jews. I think the sick princess represents all the people in the ghetto and all the Jews. And the young gardener boy represents the Russians or really anyone trying to help the Jews get freed.

heidi_aguayo said...

1. I think that lying is acceptable when it's a matter of life or death, and/or when your lying to benefit another person. Like in the article we read in class about the doctor lying to the patient about how long they had to live. I think it was okay for the doctor to lie, because the lie wasn't benefiting the doctor in any way. It was so that the patient wouldn't go into depression about it and die earlier or something. So I think that in situations like that it's okay for someone to lie.

2. I think that Jakob's lie is justified, because he was doing it to say Mischa's life. But then he should have just stopped there and not gone on lying about how much closer the Russian's were. Because it just led to him lying more and more. Because at the moment it was to save someones life, but then there was no reason for him to keep lying. Like to Linda and pretend to have the radio behind the wall and stuff. I think that I would have done the same thing Jakob did, in his situation. Because it was to same a life.

3. I think the clouds represent the freedom and like liberty for the Jews. I think the sick princess represents all the people in the ghetto and all the Jews. And the young gardener boy represents the Russians or really anyone trying to help the Jews get freed.

heidi_aguayo said...

1. I think that lying is acceptable when it's a matter of life or death, and/or when your lying to benefit another person. Like in the article we read in class about the doctor lying to the patient about how long they had to live. I think it was okay for the doctor to lie, because the lie wasn't benefiting the doctor in any way. It was so that the patient wouldn't go into depression about it and die earlier or something. So I think that in situations like that it's okay for someone to lie.

2. I think that Jakob's lie is justified, because he was doing it to say Mischa's life. But then he should have just stopped there and not gone on lying about how much closer the Russian's were. Because it just led to him lying more and more. Because at the moment it was to save someones life, but then there was no reason for him to keep lying. Like to Linda and pretend to have the radio behind the wall and stuff. I think that I would have done the same thing Jakob did, in his situation. Because it was to same a life.

3. I think the clouds represent the freedom and like liberty for the Jews. I think the sick princess represents all the people in the ghetto and all the Jews. And the young gardener boy represents the Russians or really anyone trying to help the Jews get freed.

yourveryowntroll said...

lolguezwahtdeen ima soupah kool troll hoo t3aches kool cids g3rman wit a bananaphone.

yourveryowntroll said...

they see meh trollin'...they h8n, tryin' to catch meh noobin dirteh tryin to catch meh noobin dirteh tryin to catch meh noobin dirteh

Cassidee Clements said...

I think it is sometimes ok to lie but it really just depends on the situation. It is ok to lie about things like Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny, but it is never ok to lie about things that could be harmful to other people or yourself. Its also a lot easier to just tell the truth about everything because then you don't have to keep lying to keep up with your lie.
I think that Jakobs first lie was ok because he was just trying to give people hope and something to look forward to and he really did hear what he was saying he heard on the radio. However, his lie was not ok after he kept making things up that he wasn't really hearing because it was making the jews so excited for the russians to come and then they never came. His lie also got his best friend killed because after he told the truth his friend lost all hope and committed suicide. Lying is wrong, i would not have done the same thing in Jakobs situation.
I think the sick princess symbolizes all of the Jews and The cloud represents the Russians because the russians are the Jews cloud in Jakob the liar. They are what they need to save their lives. I think the gardener represents Jakob because he is trying to comfort the jews.
~ Cassidee James Bieber ~ A3

Cassidee Clements said...

I think it is sometimes ok to lie but it really just depends on the situation. It is ok to lie about things like Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny, but it is never ok to lie about things that could be harmful to other people or yourself. Its also a lot easier to just tell the truth about everything because then you don't have to keep lying to keep up with your lie.
I think that Jakobs first lie was ok because he was just trying to give people hope and something to look forward to and he really did hear what he was saying he heard on the radio. However, his lie was not ok after he kept making things up that he wasn't really hearing because it was making the jews so excited for the russians to come and then they never came. His lie also got his best friend killed because after he told the truth his friend lost all hope and committed suicide. Lying is wrong, i would not have done the same thing in Jakobs situation.
I think the sick princess symbolizes all of the Jews and The cloud represents the Russians because the russians are the Jews cloud in Jakob the liar. They are what they need to save their lives. I think the gardener represents Jakob because he is trying to comfort the jews.
~ Cassidee James Bieber ~ A3

Branson said...

wow ich war AFK gefrorenen das zählt nicht, ob das gezählt hätte ich dich nicht dumm Troll gestorben sind, zu stoppen Töten Sie mich, wenn ich AFK bin eingefroren. Wow wieder Du hast mich getötet, während AFK eingefroren, wie oft habt ihr mich zu töten, während ich AFK bin eingefroren, bevor Sie es zählt nicht zu realisieren. Sie verloren gerade das Spiel becuase ich dich getötet, während Sie AFK eingefroren wurden

Unknown said...

1. I think most of the time lying isn't good, but when your in a situation when you're trying to protect someone or something, it's okay. Jakob wasn't expecting his lie to go that far. All he was trying to do at first is stop Mischa from stealing the potato. If Mischa was to get caught, he would have most likely died. Jakob didn't want to see him die, so he told him that the Russians were coming. Since Mischa didn't believe him, he had to lie to prove he was right.
2. Jakob only had a split second before his friend, Mischa, would have gone out there to sneak the potato and probably die. In this case I think Jakob shouldn't be blamed for his lie. He was protecting Mischa from getting killed. Mischa was a Jew, just like Jakob. Jakob just didn't want to see one of his people die. When you just have a splint second to decide what to say, you're more likely to lie rather than telling the truth because, you don't have time to think through the consequences that you will have to face. Personally, I would have probably lied because I wouldn't want to see one of my best friends die right before my eyes.
3. I think the cloud represents peace. The little girl didn't know what happiness was because she had never seen it before. She imagined herself as the little sick princess because she dreams of having peace and happiness in her life. The sick princesses are the Jews and the gardener represents the Germans in my train of thought. The little girl was fed up with what the Germans were doing with all of these Jews, she just imagined it the other way around, how nice it would be.
-Colleen Katoa