Well, now you have seen what Austrian teenagers have to say about American Foreign Policy and the war in Iraq. Your assignment is to put in your own "two cents" about this issue and respond to this blog. One of the purposes of this assignment is to get you to think about your opinions and what you believe and why you believe it. The point is not to "brainwash" you with the opinions of these teenagers, but to start a discussion and a forum. Soon you will be adults and you will inherit more responsibilities associated with the direction of our country. In 3-4 short years you will be voting and will be complete members of the American Democracy. Today you have the opportunity to make your opinion noted.
It should be noted that as we were filming this documentary, we were hoping to find at least one teenager who supported the President's decision to attack Iraq. Unfortunately, we were not able to find anyone who could take this position and therefore this section of the film seems to biased. The intention of the filmmakers was to show sentiment of the Austrian youth -whatever that might be- and not to take sides.
Please respond to this blog by considering the following:
1. Do you agree with the perspective of the Austrian teenagers? Perhaps you agree with some of the things stated by not others. Please explain why or why not.
2. Pretend that the President of the United States will be reading your opinion. What would you like to say to him about the war and the direction our country is headed? If you support the course of action explain why. If you think it needs some changes, you should state those changes and explain why. Maybe your opinions are in complete contrast with the Government's plan of action. Again, explain why.
3. For privacy issues, sign the blog using only the initials of your name, so I can give you a grade, yet others will not know who you are.
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i think that the people in Austria are right on some issues about what President Bush is doing but i really don't think that they should be mean because what if iraq was planning to bomb someone and thanks to Bush he stepped forward and did something about it.
if President Bush was reading this i would tell him that he does have good intentions but needs to be more reasonable and not try to get in the way of the other countries government. Even though there are good things about all of this war i really think that you really should consider leaving the country but at the same time since we put our noses in where it really doesn't belong we are already in it and will have to leave when everything is better for that country. I really don't think that it was necessary to go to iraq and go to war. especially since many soldiers have died. I kind of understand Bush but at the same time i don't. it is hard to be the leader of the whole country so it is difficult to know what to do.
I think that the people in Austria should blame us for going into Iraq. We had very good reasons. We went in to stop some very bad people and to bring peace to a corrupted land. We didn't go in to Iraq to get more oil we went in to do some good. We helped to try and stop Irans nuclear bomb. we stoped the deaths of innocent citizens. President Bush have very good reasons to go into Iraq and I support his decisions. He was not doing anything wrong. And under the stress of running the country it was a very wise move to do. The troops have help little kids by giving them water and making shelters for them. We have brought good and peace to much of the Middle East and it wasn't for the OIL! We are still there because some are still trying to do evil things and we are there to help settle down the conflicts and to help bring peace.
I think that the teenagers in Austri are right on some things. I think thery are right on that he is just in there for just the oil but were not just in there for that we are in there for other reasons. some of those reason are te get tarroist out of there and to let them be free like us, and make there own discions.
if the president was reading this i would tell him that we should not be in there just for the oil but to help the people in irak. If we were done helping them then i think we should step out of there contury and let then run it on there own with a little help from us. America should be a learder of man kind not one who is gready for oil and other stuff we should help people. but going to war for the right causes is right. we have ben in there for almost 6 years i think that if there is nothing to do in there but have many more people i think that we should pull out.
I think that the teenagers in Austri are right on some things. I think thery are right on that he is just in there for just the oil but were not just in there for that we are in there for other reasons. some of those reason are te get tarroist out of there and to let them be free like us, and make there own discions.
if the president was reading this i would tell him that we should not be in there just for the oil but to help the people in irak. If we were done helping them then i think we should step out of there contury and let then run it on there own with a little help from us. America should be a learder of man kind not one who is gready for oil and other stuff we should help people. but going to war for the right causes is right. we have ben in there for almost 6 years i think that if there is nothing to do in there but have many more people i think that we should pull out.
Some of what the Austria people have the same perspective as me. But some don't. I agree that war is bad and that it's really childish that we go around killing people in war in order to solve our problems. But i don't think that it's oil that we're after. We are a country that does love oil but it's not our main purpose for war.
I would tell the president that war is a big mistake. That we are killing inocent people and or love ones are being killed for a reason that could be handled differently than war. We as a country need to learn that violance doesn't help, if anything it makes the matters worse. People, American people, are having to give their lives for Bush's problems! People over in Iraq are losing their lives, even though they might not even be fighting in the war or even believe the same thing as those who support the war. War is wrong and it needs to be stopped.
1. I don't agree with the teenagers in Austria because President Bush is not all about oil. I don't agree on the war because we have men and women that are going to fight and it doesn't really do anything with having our people go and fight for Iraq's rights.
2. I would tell him that we should stop trying to help out Iraq because they are the ones that are in this huge thing. It was good at the beginning of the war but now it has gone the other way. Their war is against Iraq and the rebels in Iraq. I think that they should be smart enough to settle the war by themselves because they don't need help. We are losing our people by sending them out to Iraq.
I Don't agree with the people in Austia, I think it is for a better cause. If the terrorist in Iraq are going to start attacking us, I think we need to do something about it. We can not just sit and watch whale they destroy our country. We need to stop it and make sure that it does not happen again.
Even though I agree with the war in Iraq, I think it has gone to far. If president Bush were to read this, I would tell him that this war has gone to far. Bush is destroying families from all around the nation for something that has been taken to far. A good thing can become a bad thing if it is taken to far. Bush should take bring some of the troops home, but leave just enough to prevent Iraq from doing any more damage to our country.
I think that the Austrian kids are Partially right on some of the things. I think that Bush is in Iraq a little bit for the oil. But also to prevent another terroist attack. I think the Austrian feel that way about the twin towers is they may not have seen what it did maybe not have seen all the news about it.
If bush were to read this I would say to him that i think its time to leave Iraq. We are not getting anywhere, and Americans are dieing. We have helped them set up a government and now they don't want us there anymore. And also what my U.S. history teacher (Mr. Lyde) said about the Vietnam war. if you cant win get out. Thats what i think you should do. I think that it was good that you went into Iraq but now we are not going anywhere.
I totally agree with the teenagers in Austria! I think what George Bush is doing is wrong. To me it seems like he is the one putting wars on the United States. He is doing something very wrong and what those teenagers said was completely right! I can see why you couldn't find anyone that agreed with him, because their isn't anything to agree with.
To George Bush, I would say, "You are the one who is destroying this country." I'm sure there are some great things Bush has done for this country, but you never hear about them because there are more bad things he has done that don't help us.
i think that the people in austria are wrong on the cause of the was and why we are in there its not for oil even though that is one thing thats not the main thing its to keep the iraq people safe and to stop tarrison if not stoped we could all die i think we are doing the right thing by being in iraq and i dont think we should leave until the ilcida stop tarrisom and if we leave they will just bomb us they dont care if we destory iraq but we do care if they kill us so they could use nuclar war fair
if bush was reading this i would say that he has a good intentions for us and that i think what he is doing is right i dont think we need that many soilders in iraq but we do need to stop tarrisom and the ilcida from what they do and keep the iraq people safe and stop something like the twin tower tragity from ever happeing agian and you are doing the right thing and keeping are contry safe from tarrisom and helping iraq with there problomes and ya thats it
I agree with some of the things that those people said but I think that most of them had no idea what they were talking about. Like about the oil.Because that is not the reason why we were there. And the about the terriorists, we got the person who was in charge of all the people there so my question is why are we still there?
If President Bush was reading this I think that he should like go out there and tell everyone what the war is about so that there aren't any confusions about why its lasted so long or what were still doing there because a lot of people dont really know.
I think that some of what the people in austria said was true but not all of it. We are fighting a war that is in some parts pointless but we are not over there just because they have oil but because they have taken thousands and thousands of peoples lives for no reason other than they live in the united states of america. If president bush was reading this I would tell him to get the war done fast and to stop prolonging it in some aspects for no reason. I can under stand why and how that he has made some mistakes but not all of them can be excused some of them were just plane dumb that he made them. So in closing I would say that we have the right intentions of starting the war just it is choices in the war and ways to end the war that bush or the government don't always do so good on. JaB A-2
I think that the teenagers in Austria are right on some things but there are some things that i don't agree with too. Austria didn't get attacked by Iraq we did!
I would like Bush to know that him going into Iraq was an ok idea and he had all the right to do so. I support him for going in the first place but after such a long time in the war it needs to end. i don't know if he really wants the oil, but whatever it is the war has gone on long enough. The government in Iraq is good enough to support itself so get out of there. That is all.
I agree with some of the Austrians. I think that they make a very good point on how we have been there for way too long, and that we should bring our troops home but at the same time i believe that it is so important to stay there because those people need help and were the only ones who can. We need to get the job done and come home as soon as possible.
If President Bush was reading this i would tell him that he has good intentions and that freeing the people of Iraq and finding those terrists is the most important thing right now. Freedom is what we fought for during the Civil War and it should stay that way for all citizens. President Bush needs to be more reasonable in having our troops for that long and the oil problem as gotten and out of hand. I would also tell him that war is not always the solution and that there are other ways to solve problems.
I think that the Austrians are right on some of the stuff they are talking about, but i dont think that they understand it. not even half of americans understand it. but as long as its not happening to them i honestly dont think that they care because its not their dads, brothers, uncle, mom, sisters, sons, daughters going out their to fight.
If president bush read this i would tell him that their was no reason to go their, they weren't even the ones that bombed us. why would we be doing this to them. yes we did help them because of their stupid ruler but we hurt so many people their and so many of our soilders got hurt to in the process and honestly bush do you think it was worth it? and besides they should care about our oil situation ya it sucks for us but its none of their business. bush just need to decide and let us all know.
I think they are kinda of right but at the smae time they are wrong. Like we invaded their country first not us so i think we sould get out of there cause 30,000 people have died.
Mr. Presidant I hope you are happy that you have sent people to die ofr there country but thats wrong cause they dont even say good bye to ther families then there gone so i think we should get out of there
I agree with the Austrian teens in some ways. I think that Bush's intentions of going into Iraq were reasonable, that we were trying to stop them from using their Weapons Of Mass Destruction (none of which we happened to find), and that we were going to help Iraq gain the freedom it needed from it's leader, who was putting many of his own people to death, and hurting Iraq severely. We went in and helped them, but now we're getting absolutely nowhere. The Iraqis don't want us there, because we're killing innocent people there, and they see us as a threat now. They didn't before, but we've taken this too far. Bush is sending our own men and women there to give help that isn't wanted, and many of the Americans are being killed. If you've ever felt what it's like to send a family member away somewhere dangerous, knowing that you may never see them again, you know it's one of the hardest things to do.
I think that Bush is focused on one thing too hard, so hard that he can't fully see that this country is going to pieces in so many ways while his head is in Iraq, presumably to get the oil there. I think that Bush should pull himself out of his own world and look around him, and then maybe we could start to have a good country.
As Mr. Wicks once said, "War is just a cowards way out of the problems of peace" (or something along those lines). I wholeheartedly agree with that, and hope that someday Bush will see it too.
I think that the war in Iraq should end. It wasn't the Iraqian people that crashed their planes into The Twin Towers it was a group of terrorists. No matter how long we stay in Iraq, I don't think it will make much difference to the terrorism problem. I think the war started out as a good thing, but now it is just a vain attempt at stopping terrorists. I dont think we will be able to accomplish anything more than we already have.
If we continue on with the war in Iraq, then we will loose some forgein relations that we dont need to forfeit. As the kids in Austria proved to us, forgein countries dont agree with our choice to continue on with the war.
I dont blame our soldiers for any of things that have been happening. I think they should be respected and not made out to be bad guys because they fought a war. The government were the ones to decide we sholdnt call off the war, the soldiers shouldnt have to take any of the blame. Our troops are being heros for fighting, and risking their lives for our country! The people who protest, should protest against the war, but not against our soldiers. We should all remember that being a loyal citizen, sometimes means that we need to risk our lives to help others.
The war in Iraq should, in my opinion, be stopped. Dont get me wrong, I love our country and I support our government, but not all of their choices. We should never blame the soldiers for what has been going on. We should treat them as the heros that they are.
Some of what the Austria people have the same perspective as me. But some don't. I agree that war is bad and that it's really childish that we go around killing people in war in order to solve our problems. But i don't think that it's oil that we're after. We are a country that loves oil but it's not our main purpose for war.
I would tell the president that war is a big mistake. That we are killing inocent people and or love ones are being killed for a reason that could be handled differently than war. We as a country need to learn that violance doesn't help, if anything it makes the matters worse. People, American people, are having to give their lives for Bush's problems! People over in Iraq are losing their lives, even though they might not even be fighting in the war or even believe the same thing as those who support the war. War is wrong and it needs to be stopped!!!!!!!
I don't really agree with the opinions of the Austrian teens. They mentioned oil a lot, and I don't think the war has anything to do with oil, from what I have heard. They were also mainly against the war. I personally hate violence and the idea of innocent people getting hurt, but we are there for a reason. If we left Iraq tomorrow, more terrible things like September 11th might happen to the US and other countries. In my opinion, we need to stay in Iraq until the people have their government under control.
I think President Bush is a brave man to stay in Iraq in the midst of all the criticism surrounding his actions. I agree with most of his actions. I would try to prevent the deaths of innocent people more. The media is maily covering only the negative aspects of the war, so lots of good things could be happening that we would never hear about. I would like more information about all the good things that happen in Iraq, like the aid the soldiers are giving the people and such. I cannot really state a plan of action I would take without having more facts. From what I know right now, if I was president I would focus on getting the terriorist groups out of Iraq and helping the people form a democratic government.
KMH B2 >^..^<
1. I don't think that the Austria people are right!It's not all about the oil. we want the Iraqy peolpe to be a good country.
2. If Gorge Bush were really going to read this i would like to say he is doing a good thing in Iraq the only thing i think is not ok is how many people are dieing in Iraq and just think about the all the kids that 1 or both parents are dieing. It's so sad. well thats all I have to say
Yes, I agree with the Austrian teenagers because war doesn't really make anything better apparently. If you look at what the American troops have done in Irak, it doesn't really seem like they've done anything to help the war.
I don't agree with what president Bush is doing because violence does not solve anything. He should have the American troops brought home immediately because all of their families are watching them as they could possibly get killed. And it will all have been for nothing because they haven't accomplished much over there.
I agree 100% with the people in Austria. The Iraq war started for one reason. Presedent Bush said Saddam Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction, but then we found out that there was no nuclear bombs in iraq. When Saddam Hussein was killed, The U.S. should have pulled out like lots of other countries. I think the whole war is a lie made by the high government offiicials such as presedent bush to justify stealing oil from Iraq. The War is also a total waste of money. In 5 years it has cost the tax-paying citizens of america over 500,000,000,000 Dollars. Some people say Iraq attacked america on 9/11, but the truth is Iraq didn't do anything, Al-Qaeda did, which was mainly stationed in Afghanistan, until the U.S. moved into Iraq.
If presedent Bush was going to read this, I would tell him to tell the truth behind the Iraqi conflict. I would tell him that he has the death of thousands of people on his shoulders, and i sould tell him to Pull out Of Iraq.
I honestly didn't think that the Austrian Teenagers were right on any issues (No offense to the Austrians). I think that he is just trying to keep the terrorists from getting all the oil in Iraq, because oil is very precios as a resource.
If the President were reading this, I would tell him to keep it up, I think he is doing what he thinks is best, so I can't argue with him.
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