Thursday, April 3, 2008

Socratic Seminar Make-Up

If you did not attend the Socratic Seminar, or did not participate by adding to the conversation; this is your chance to earn your score. You must answer the following questions in great detail to receive your points for this assignment. Convince me that you know what you're talking about. Try to persuade me to your way of thinking.

1. Talk about the main characters in the movie (Anna, Martin, Ines, Katrin) Which were from the East and which were from the West? How did their lives collide and what were their preconceived ideas about each other. In other words-what did they think of each other?

2. Identify the main differences between Capitalism and Communism. You may refer to your notes to help you out. Think about the various discussion we have had in class. Remember the song "Die Konkurrenz" we listened to in class. Also, the following are some quotes to spark some ideas:

"From each according to his own; to each according to his need" -Karl Marx

"Communism is like prohibition; it's a good idea but it won't work" -Will Rogers

"Under Capitalism man exploits man. Under Communism, it's just the opposite"

"Capitalism and Communism stand at opposite poles. Their essential difference is this: The communist, seeing the rich man and his fine home say, 'No man should have so much'. The capitalist, seeing the same thing says, 'All men should have as much' " -Phelps Adams

"Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff" -Frank Zappa

"The true revolutionary is guided by great feelings of love. It is impossible to think of a genuine revolutionary lacking this quality" "There is no other definition of Communism valid for us than that of the abolition of exploitation of man by man" -Che Guevarra

3. From Question #1
Talk about the labels they had about each other (Wessi, Ossi) and the stereotypes that went with those labels.

Is it alright to label people? Why or why not?
Have you ever been given a label? What was it? How did it make you feel?
Have you ever labled someone else, or a group of people?

4. This is a very hypothetical question that you must now answer: There are two societies left on earth and you will be born into a poor family. You are given a choice: You may live in the purely Capitalist country or the pure Communist country. Explain your decision in great detail and why you would choose what you do.

Viel Glück und Spaß dabei!

Herr Dean


I love Goofy! said...

1. Anna: She's very stubborn and disagrees a lot in conversations and statements that others make. Especially when she doesn't like what they are talking about.
Martin: He's born into a high class capitalist contry and he's a realtor trying to sell land down in East Germany since the Berlin wall was torn down.
Ines: She's hyper, energetic, and also has a desire to go to West Germany to see what it is like and how it would be to be free to do whatever she wanted instead of growing up in an East Germany home.
Katrin: She's headstrong, independent, and kind of materialistic. She doesn't play too much of a role but she helps Martin realize what's in front of him.
Their lives collided in many different ways, depending on which characters point of views. It mostly started with Marten driving into East Germany and running out of gas.

2. In Communism, the whole community is run by the government and they each all get the same amount not even caring about what job they were given. In Capitalism, the community is run by the people and they are free to do as they choose and free to earn as much money as they want.

3. When Anna was helping Martin, Martin askes if there is any civilized area anywhere and Anna turns and says,"Well did you see the sign coming into the east saying 'Civilization Ends Here?'"
but Martin ignores the comments and everything.

4. If I was poor I would probably choose the east so my family could afford food and other things like that but, if I was a well payed or I was rich and had worked hard for that money, I would choose the west because I worked hard for it and I wouldn't be about ready to give it up.


BRANNY!!! said...

hey dean do you know who this is???

Unknown said...
