Monday, November 5, 2007

Jakob der Lügner

Now it is your turn to sound off. To receive full credit for this assignment, you need to answer all parts of every question listed below.

1. Are there certain occasions in life when one should tell a lie? Is it sometimes better for one to lie than tell the truth, or is telling the truth always the choice one should make? (Consider the classic question, "Do these pants make me look fat?" and the other examples talked about in class)

2. Was Jakob justified in lying to Mischa that he had a radio in his possession? Explain why or why not? (Remember that Mischa was trying to steal potatoes from the train car and would've most likely been shot it he was caught)

3. What would you have done if you were Jakob? Knowing the consequences of his decision; would you still have told Mischa that you had a radio? (Keep in mind that the suicide rate in the ghetto declined to almost zero during the time that people were believing in Jakob's lie) Perhaps you would have told different lies. Maybe you would've simply told the truth from the very beginning. Explain your decisions and project what the consequences (positive or negative) might be to each of your decisions. Put yourself in Jakob's shoes and explain what you would've done.

You can sign the blog with just your initials if you'd like, to maintain anonymity on the internet. You can even make up a user name, but you need to make sure you sign the blog with your initials at the end of your post. Remember, you need a gmail account (from google) to post to this blog.


Anonymous said...

I think that sometimes it is okay to lie because when your kids ask you is Santa or the Easter bunny is real do you want to tell them the truth or will they be hurt because you told them the truth.
Jakob should have triped him but should have told him that he heard the news on the radio in the police station when he was out at 7:30. I would have said that I had a radio but it is now broken beyond repair and I don't want anyone to ask for more news.

James said...

I think that little lies like Santa or the Easter is ok, but the lie that he had a radio that would spread throught the whole Ghetto is not ok. Evan though the little lie like Santa will not kill someone. Jakob tripped him because it would save his life. But he should have just told him the truth.If I was Jakob I would have told him the truth.

Kailey said...

I think that it depends on what you are telling a lie about. He is case he was telling lies but he was giving people hope at the same time. He just should of made the lie easier to fix instead of saying that it broke and then that it fixed it self he should have said something else. Like that he smashed it and threw it way. Or something else that. But with the Easter Bunny or Santa Clause or something like that the kids will find out! And you might have to tell them the truth but if the go on and keep believing the older they get the more they will get made fun of because the still believe! With Jakob thing they can keep believing that he has a radio and no one will make fun of them cause they all think that he does. So in Jakob's case I think that it was fine to lie but not in all cases.

Lon dawg said...

1:I don't think you should ever tell a lie, lying MIGHT get you out of trouble for one thing, but could get you in trouble the next time (or if you get caught)

And about the Santa and Easter bunny thing, I wouldn't even tell my kids about them, even if it's a small lie, a lie's a lie, you should teach them about what Christmas and Easter is REALLY about

2: Was he justified? um.......sure I guess, seeing his current position (of his friend going pretty much kill himself) he had no other choice

3: If I were Jakob, I would've done the thing that Jakob did, because I would be him (^^ just kidding) I would've tried to "get" to him, negotiate I guess, tell him that if he went to go get those potatoes, how would that help anyone, how would Rosa feel? That's what I'd do.

Unknown said...

1: I think sometimes it is okay to tell a lie, but if it is a huge lie it could lead to other bigger lies, like it did to Jakob.

2: I think he had a good reason to lie to Mischa, because if Mischa would've gone and stole the potatoes he might have gotten shot.

3: If I were Jakob, I would have convinced Mischa until he really believed me about the police station and the radio in there.

kimber_j said...

1.I think that sometimes it is okay to tell a lie, like the ever great example - Santa Claus. Although, in my mind, saying that he is real not really lying, it's more like childhood fantasy that one has to grow out of. Anyway. If you're brutally honest, then you might be considered mean and insensitive. And with the whole pants thing, you could find a way to be truthful without really being truthful. Like saying, "They're not really your style."

2.I think that Jakob was right to tell Mischa, because if he hadn't, there wouldn't be any movie, and I wouldn't even be writing about it. (I'm kidding.) Jakob and I are two different people, and I probably wouldn't have stopped Mischa. But Jakob knew that Mischa was young, and had his whole life ahead of him, and he didn't want it to end over some potatoes.

3.I probably wouldn't have told Mischa that I had a radio. He wanted food, and he was taking a risk that could sustain or take his life. Sure, I would care about the outcome, but I would probably let him make his own decisions. As for the suicide rates...if people find life bad enough to end it, then let them. Life is only as good as you make it. They could at least have tried to look at something good that could happen in their sitiuation, even if only in fantasy. Sorry if I'm being too morbid.

makenzi[rae] said...

1. I think that lieing is not ok. But when it comes to helping your family and frinds from getting hurt i would try to do anything to help them, and if that means to lie then i would. Just like Jacob had to lie to miche because he was going to go steel some food that would then cause him to get hurt or shot. When it comes to Santa Clause and the Easter Bunney. I am ok with telling people to believe in him because i think of it more as a hope for the world. Kids think of Santa as a hero. I also think it gives the kids something to use there imaginations. People say that telling storyies about Santa is lieing, but to some people Santa is very real. When Santa comes it gives the kids a mind set that they are cared about. And just like in the story when Jacob told the lie it gave people hope. The people felt like the Russians cared about them and were fighting for them.
2. I think that Jacob got overwhelmed in the fact that everyone thought he had a radio and everyone was asking questions about the Russians and when would they be there. I think he felt that if he did not give them answeres then everyone would turn against him. So was he justified. I guess he could or he couldn't. Because after he told his best friend. His friend hung him self.
3. if i were in Jacobs place it would have been really hard to keep calm. But i would try as hard as i possibly could to persuade him to not go. Telling him that, what he is doing is not the right way to go. I would probably asking how would Rosa feel she would have no one. I would probably tell him how much i care about him and that i don't want him to get hurt.

Assistant Regional Manager said...

1. Yes because if you told the truth all the time, things would be weird between you and other people but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't lie a lot. Only in certain situations
2.He meant well by lying but it wasn't the right thing. The suicide level dropped, but he could've approached it diffrently because the lie eventually killed his friend.
3.Like what I said before I would have approached it differently. Maybe if someone were trying to committ suicide I would sit down and talk to them about their problem and about being a hostage and maybe save them. I would try to avoid lying as much as possible.

Unknown said...

1. i think that lies are never good, but there are certain times that a lie can make a situation better then the truth could. like, of course, santa. what kid is going to want to know the truth about santa? i know i was really mad when i found out. and other times, a lie can be more serious, but still be easier to tell then the truth. like if somebody's feelings are involved.

2. i think he had a good reason to tell mischa that he had a radio, but if he hadn't told the lie, he would have a lot less of a mess to clean up. i think that after he tripped him, instead of telling him that he had a radio, to keep telling him the truth until he was convinced.

3.i dont know what i would have done. i probably wouldnt have been able to think that fast. but if i had already told the lie, i think i would say that i did have the radio when i heard the news, but i threw it out last night or it was broken beyond repair. that way i would have saved mischa's life, but i wouldnt have this ugly situation.

km A3

Unknown said...

it is ok to tell a lie sometimes like santa and the easter bunny but not as big as jakob did.
Tyson hilliker

Unknown said...

I think that the lie Jakob told was ok to do but wrong. Because it gave people hope to fight to survive the holocaust. But then he went to far. He told the barbor that he was lieing about the radio the whole time. The next day the barbor killed his self. But in some circumstances its ok to lie.

Unknown said...

1.I think it's ok to lie when the the good things that come from the lie outweigh the bad things. It would be worth it to tell a little lie rather than telling someone they look fat.

2.I think Jakob was justified because even though lying is always bad, by lying he did something really good- saving Mischa's life and stopping potential suicides.

3.I think it would be hard for me to keep lying like Jakob, but I think it was right for him save Mischa's life even though it took a lie. That is what I would have done.
rl B2

Witney said...

1) I think it is sometimes okay to lie if you were put in a situation that was convenient. Like with Jakob he told a lie to save his friend. Even though the lie got bigger his friend was alive, and same with so many other people in the ghetto.

2) If I were Jakob I would have told Mischa that i had a radio to save his life, and then a little after I would tell him that I had to smash it because I was afraid the Germans would find out and kill me. Thats how I would have handled the situation, and not have let it get to a web of lies.

3) If I were Jakob I don't think I could have handled the pressure he was under. To have all those lies on his concience. I think he was really smart though to tell that lie to the little girl to keep her from knowing what was going on. If I were there I would want someone to do that for me, so I wouldn't live in fear all those years.


Unknown said...

1: I think that Jakob should tell everyone in the ghetto about the story about the sneatches. In that story the sneatches with stars upon thars were better than ones without stars upon thars.The jews have stars upon thars so they should be better than the sneatches with out stars upon thars.

mckaid gus said...

I think it is ok to lie some times because like the the santa thing.
But i think he shouldn't have lied to michi because it just messed up evey thing.
he shouldn't have lied because he meesed up hes life and every one got mad at him.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Whats with all you guys saying Santa is a lie santa is not a lie and the easter bunny why would your mom and or dad dress up and put eggs and chocolate in a basket when they could eat it all themselves. And you should not tell a lie even if you are a terrorist. If I was Jakob which I might as well be I would have asked mischa for all of his food before he tried to steal the potatoes and give the potatoes to me cause he could.

Unknown said...

1:I think you should only lie about santa, easter bunny, the tooth fairy, and questions like "Does these pants make me look fat." I think tiny lies are okay just don't do them a lot.

2: I think that jakob should have just told the truth to him after he tripped him. Or should have just kept telling him what he heard at the police station.

3:I probably would have told him that I did have a radio then later that day tell him that I didn't have one but was just just trying to save your life.

Unknown said...

1. I think that you should allways try to be rightous, and tell the truth. But there are certin ocassions in life that you should tell lies. To heck with this Santa and Easter Bunny thing. Is lying to your kids about Santa going to kill them? Really think about it. Imagine you were a P.O.W. if you were interigated and told the truth, hundreds of people would probably be killed.

2. Yes, I think that Jakob was justified in lying to Mischa. He didn't have to lie about somthing that extreame. Everybody knew the penalty for owning a raido. But really he didn't have a lot of time to think of something to tell him.

3. I probably would have told Mischa the truth. People say Jakob had the choice to tell the truth or a lie, but he isn't the only one who has a choice. Mischa had a choice. He had the choice to believe Jakob when he told the truth or not, he decieded not to believe him. Jakob lied to save Mischa's life, he didn't know things would get out of hand like they did, he told Mischa not to lie for a reason. Jakob also didn't know that the suicide rate would have dropped down to zero deths when he told Mischa the lie. He just did what his instincts told him. Anyways Jakob telling the lie was in the script so he couldn't really do anything about it.

Shannon said...
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Shannon said...

1. i think it is sometimes ok to lie, if it to save someones life or to avoid hurtings someones feelings. but most of the time i think that honesty is the best policy. only tell a lie if you really really have to.

2. yes, i think that jakob should have told a lie, because he had no time to think about what to say. if had time to think before he acted he should have come up with something that would not have made him lie over and over again.

3. i would have told mischa that i had stolen a newspaper from the germans or something. instead of something that made me lie about other good news, and keep telling lies.

S.R. A3

ksr said...

1. i think that in a time were by lieing could save the dudes life that he did do the right thing but i think only in speical ecations you sould lie but telling the truth is the way to go most of the time
2. i think that he sould of lied about it but then told every one that the radio was busted beond repare at a time and stoped everthing there but it did save mischa life.
3. i think that i would of done about everthing that he did because he saved a lot of people from dieing and the dudes in the getos where going to be taken to the death at a consantration camp any way so it did not even matter but it saved them from dieng befor but i would have stoped befor he did and told the truth

Dummy22 said...

1. Yes, just as long as it will not dramaticly change them when they find out the truth. People don't get hurt, changed, or feel decieved when they find out that Santa and the Easter Bunny, and things like that are not real, their not going to care, they still get stuff. If they ask the "do these pants make me look fat?" question, it depends of what their definition of "fat" means They can't look like the REAL fat people in the world record books that wiegh 1,000 lbs, so you just tell them "no," it's the truth isn't it?

2. Yes, but Mischa was not justified to tell every one else. Jakob could've just told him the truth, that he heard it in the police station. The lie only temporarily fixed things, it did save Mischa's life but later it got him in trouble, every one was deported, his friend hanged himslef, and everyone was mad at him.

3. I would have told Mischa that I owned one, because it did save his life, but then not too long after, before things got out of hand, I would tell him I did not own one, but heard it in the Police Station. Yes, Mischa may think I was lyer, but I would probably just remind him that it did save his life. Wouldn't it be the same if he owned a radio, or just heard it at the Police Station, he still heard it! He had no way to prove he had a radio, luckily no one in the movie asked to see it, if they did he would either have to try to make them believe he doesn't have one, or tell a new lie that it was stolen, or he lost it, or he threw it out.

C.A. (Period A2)

Wendy said...

1. I think that there are definitely a few occasions in life when it is okay to lie. To lie to save you trouble or to benefit yourself, is a lie, and is wrong. To save someone's life or feelings from being hurt fall into a different category. They are kind lies, and are okay in my opinion. It is not a black-and-white issue. You have to decide where you stand for each individual choice you must make.

2. I think that Jakob should have tripped and stopped Mischa, but the radio thing? That is not good. One side of me says, �Hey. So what if he lied? He gave the whole ghetto hope and at least a little peace of mind. That is worth lying about.� The other side says, �He lied to a whole ghetto! Maybe the Natzis deported the ghetto because of the lie, because people were gaining hope and maybe would have rebelled. His friend hung himself when he knew the truth, because he was so hopeless. Was that worth it?� I think that Jakob should have told Mischa the truth, and just stood by it. If Mischa was a true friend, he would have believed Jakob.

3. That's very hard. I think that I would have spread around what I overheard in the police station, and asked others what they had overheard. Then we could have pieced together a picture, and had a steady stream of information if people could overhear the radio in the police station. The suicide rate might go down, but probably not. How terrible to be a surrounding that gives people such hopelessness that suicide is a common occurrence! I think that lying about the radio wasn't good at all. But, putting myself in his shoes, I think I would have done the same thing, but say that the news program only came on once a week, so people wouldn't be talking about it all the time.


Shaelee said...

1 I think that its ok to lie if it is really small things like Santa Clause or the Easter bunny and if you dont lie alot.

2 I think that Jacob made the rite decision because if he didnt than his friend would be dead and than Jacob wouldnt have him for a friend any more.

3 If i was jacob than i would have made the same decision and told him that i had a radio but then the next day i would have say that it broke and it couldnt be fixed.

Mama Muffinchucker said...

1. I think that maybe you could tell little kids about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and stuff like that because there really isn't a consequence to any of those things because they'll grow out of it when they're older. But like if someone asked you a question like "Do these pants make me look fat?" I think you should tell them the truth. Even if it might hurt there feelings a little bit.
2. Um...I dont know, I think that maybe he could have come up with a diffrent reason to keep him away from the potatoes. But maybe if he told him the truth he might have believed him.
3. If I was Jakob I would have probably just told the truth about how I was walking and they said I was past cerfew and I had to go to the police station and I heard their radio saying that the russians were close and they let me go cause it was only seven o'clock. And if he still didnt believe me I would just like hold him down or knock him out so he couldnt run to get potatoes.
-Jodi K

EJS said...

1) I think that sometimes it is ok to tell a lie. (like about Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny) It is always better to tell the truth though (or if a person asks a really stupid question, then you could lie about that. aka, the fat pants question)

2) I think that it was fine that Jakob told Mischa about the radio, because Jakob was protecting him from being killed.

3) I think that I still would have told Mischa about the radio, so he wouldn't be killed, but later on in the day, I would have told Mischa that I didn't have a radio and I was trying to protect him from being killed. I would tell him that I heard the news as I was going past the Police Station. I would have also told Mischa to think about Rosa and how she would have reacted if she found out he was dead. I could still have told people that the Russian's were coming, but I heard it from the Police Station as I was going by.
ejs A2

CowboyJ said...

1. I think that it is okay to lie if it is for the better good. Like in Jakobs place he was lying to save a friends life, and to give hope to the people living in the ghetto.

2. Yes, like i said before he had to lie to save Mischa's life and to restore hope in the ghetto.

3.I think Jakob did the right thing. Sure he lied, but wouldn't you, to save a life? Knowing he would be risking his own life. His lie saved Mischa and the ghetto's lifes.

Cameron Potts said...

I think it is ok to lie when it is nessary like when your in the ghetto and theirs on hope then i think it is ok to lie.

2 I think that it was good for jakob convested to misha cause if he didnt then when he would have been very disapointed.

3 ya because jakob at least kept some hope in the ghetto cause if he didnt then everyone would have kept beleiving and still have hope.

philip craig b2 said...

1. there are some time it is okay to lie like when you tell your kid that there is a santa and that there is a easter bunny.

2. jackob was justified because he saved mischa's life

3. if i was jackob i would of told mischa that i was in the police station and i over heard that the Ruassains were at that one state.

philip craig b2 said...

1. there are some time it is okay to lie like when you tell your kid that there is a santa and that there is a easter bunny.

2. jackob was justified because he saved mischa's life

3. if i was jackob i would of told mischa that i was in the police station and i over heard that the Ruassains were at that one state.

Spencer said...

1: I think that it is ok to lie sometimes, but only at moments when it is really necessary, like stuff on the holidays, and to keep a not very important secret.

2: Well he didnt want his friend to die because he was a little bit hungry, i'm sure he did it because they probably didnt have way too much time left before they could go and eat at home or something

3: If i were jakob, i would definately try to save my friend, but i wouldn't say that i have a radio, maybe that i know where a radio is, hopefully my other friend would understand, even if i said i had a radio, just to keep mischa from stealing a potato, i would tell my best friend that i really didnt, but i did know where one is.....


Taylor Bishop said...

You are gonna lie. Don't live it though if you live it you can't one day tell them the truth. It can be a quick helpful lie. You could just tell them you will die if you go get potatoes. Then tell them you just snuck around a wall eavesdropped then figured out it was in fact a radio. So you now know where the russians are.


unauthorizedblogger said...

1.I think it's ok to lie when there may be good instead of bad things that come from the lie. In the long run it may be better to tell a little lie other than telling somebody the truth and hurting their feelings.

2.I think Jakob was justified because even though he lied he was able to make the suicide rate drop and was even able to save Mischa's life. Even though he lied he might have grately changed everones perspectives on the war and maybe even made it so they can stay alive a little bit longer

3.I think it would be hard for me to keep lying like Jakob, I think that I would crack alot earlier because i dont think that i could take lying that long because it would make me feel too bad. But in the long run I thing that it was good in the long run because he was able to save so many lives including Mischa's. But I definately think that I would not be able to lie for that long.

Unknown said...

It's okay to lie about trival things like suprise b-day parties or the whole Santa Clause deal. But trival doesn't mean getting you out of trouble lies. And not to mension if it's between life and death, don't tell lies. Just try to talk some sense into them.

Did Jakob do the right thing? I mean, it was a one shot deal and he winged it. But, I don't think he did the right thing.

What would I do? I would try to say things like 'what about your mom and dad and girlfriend, what would you be doing to them? don't lose hope' blah blah blah. I wouldn't lie though.

Dino J Ninja Love said...

1)I believe that it is okay to lie if you are not lying for yourself. If you tell a lie to 'help' someone else it is ok. God will understand.
2)I think it was the right thing to do, he postponed somebody's death. I believe that is a good thing.
3)I would probably do what Jakob did. I think it was with good intentions but it went a little too far. I think I would have done the exact same thing as him.

ey B2 said...

1. Yes, I Think that it is never ok to lie, no matter what the circumstance. Even If Someone asks if they look fat in jeans, you should tell the truth.

2.No because he hurt lots of people by lying to Mischa.

3. No, i wouldn't have lied to Mischa, cause people would want to know more, and in the first place, I wouldn't have told anybody about the russians. If i had to lie though, i would have said I heard some nazis talking about it.

Soccer Chick! said...

No, I think it isn't okay because even if it's good for someone in the beginning, it may turn out wrong in the end. Like in Jakob der Lugner Jakob saves mischa, but in the end they all end up going to a consintration camp and probably dying.

Well, I think it was okay in the beginning and Mischa didn't die at that very moment but still ended up dying anyway so it didn't really matter except every one was angry at Jakob for making them believe the lies. except that the troops were in that town.

I would tell the excact story but maybe add a few things in to make it sound resonable enough for someone like Mischa to believe.


Aspen Miller said...

Yes. I've been asked that question before by a friend and to avoid complications i may have lied.
Yes. Because he was trying to save his life,and probably came up with the first thing that came into his head to save his life.
Actually I'm just one of those people who probably wouldn't have said anything to stop him.

Bart said...

When it comes to lying i think that it is ok to lie in some situations. Like telling your kid about Santa and The Easter Bunny and stuff is just fun to have them believe in it. Though the truth should edventually come out. Some times lies might save your life or a friends life like in "Jakob der Lunger". In class we talked about the guys telling there wives the truth about pants that make her butt look big. Most agreed that they would lie. But being the one who would be the wife i would want to know so i don't go out and imbarrass myself just because of a lie.

I think that Jakob did the right thing sort of. I think it was smart to trip the friend and to tell him about having a radio, but he shouldn't have let it get that far. He was putting others at risk! And when he did let it get that far, he told his friend (that was not a smart thing). I mean if he was going to tell the friend edventually don't even make the lie so big that it would literally kill the man when he told him.

I would have tripped him and told him that i had a radio, just like Jakob. But what i wouldn't do is let it spread through all of the Ghetto! If they wanted news i would say "News is not be told from me! Not now and not ever!" If the people who wanted the news wouldn't give up i would say that i distroyed the radio because of the annoyance they have given me!


themonkeyman2 said...

i think it is ok to lie in some cases. but in other cases it is not ok. it is ok to lie and say your wife doesn't look fat. but there are some down sides of this. like people are going to say she looks fat behind her back but it makes your wife happy.
jakob i think was ok to lie to mischa to save his life. but to say he has a radio to others is not ok. but to countenue to lie is not ok. i would say right before my radio broke i heard that the russiens are 20 miles to a city near here.
i would have told mischa that but then i would also say that it had broke from over use.


Michi said...

It depends if you are willing to accept the consequences from the lie if it is found out. I don't think Jakob was willing to accept the consequences. Just telling Mischa where he heard it and how he got there would have been better. That is what I would have done.

adam said...

it is ok to tell lies sometimes and you should not feel guilty

it was not ok to keep the lies going and h needed a slap in the face

he was right to stop his friend and he did the right thing

JMS said...

1: I think that there are times when it is O.K. to lie but it depends on what you are lying about. For example
pretend you are a spy in the army and
you get found and they are asking you
questions about secret stuff. You cant just tell them everything you know you have to lie about it.

2: I think Jakob was right to trip Mischa because if Jakob would have let Mischa try to steal the potato's Mischa would have been killed by the guards. But I don't think Jakob should have lied that he had a radio. I think Jakob should have said that he herd that on a radio when he got arrested.

3: I would have told the truth about how he had gotten arrested and sent to the police office to tell the police officer that he was
out after curfew and deserved a fair punishment. I would do that because you would not have lie about that lie and then lie about that lie just to cover up.

smart-one said...

I think you have to decide for yourself when its alright to lie. I think its ok if its for the 'greater good' kind of thing.

I think he was justified if he was ready to put his own life on the line, but I think he needs to let others make there own decisions.

I would have just told him that i heard it at the police station and let him beleive it if he wanted too.


Unknown said...

1. I think that there are a few instances where it is ok to lie. For example with "Do these pants make me look fat?" do you really want to answer "Yes" to that question? You would probably get slapped. Also, if you tell your kid that Santa isn't real, it might cause some fights with other that really beleive he is real. So, I think there are some instances where you should lie.
2. I think that Jakob should have stopped Mischa and told him that he had a radio. Then he would've saved Mischa's life.
3. If I were Jakob, I would tell Mischa I had a radio. Then I would keep giving them fake news for a while. Then after a while, I would tell them that it was broken, or stolen or something, and that it could not be repaired. Then everyone wouldn't hate me at the end.

jdawg said...

little lie's are ok to me because if a person asks if there ugly then i'm sure that you're not going to tell them that there ugly unless you are a cold hearted monster

jdawg said...

2 I think that jakob had the right to lie to misha because misha was going to kill him self by trying to steal potatoes.

3 IF I was jakob I would have told the lie to misha any ways, knowing the consequences because it would not help to have another person die because of potatoes

the BIG man on campass said...

1. I think that it is alright to lie sometimes but only for the good of someone else. If it is going to hurt someone else and even hurt yourself then i dont see a point in even lying you might as well just tell the truth

2. I think that he was right to trip mischa because he was just trying to save his really good friend from being killed, but he shouldnt have told him that he had a radio. He should have just kept on telling him the truth and then if he still didnt believe him then he could just let mischa go and get killed from the guards.

3. If i were jakob i think i probably would of told the lie too. I mean your friend was never going to believe you that the guards let you go and you dont want to let your friend just go out there and be killed over a couple of potatoes. That would just be stupid.

I just got attacked by a demon flashlight!!! said...

This is pretty much a cool assignment Mr. Dean! LIVE LAUGH LOVE!!! i hope you find your camera!

I just got attacked by a demon flashlight!!! said...

meine gute herr dean! ich heisse demon flashight. ich liebe sandwiches!jk! bye!

BRANNY!!! said...

i think its ok to lie for like little kids for the santa thing but then your setting a bad example for them as they get older cuz then they think its ok to lie when their older yeah peace out :)

andrea said...

1. Its Absolutely right to lie in certain circumstances, most notably to spare someone's feelings about a situation which cannot be changed. For example, If somebody got a new haircut and asked your opinion on it, you wouldn't tell them how much you hate it. Sometimes lying is an okay thing to do if you are helping people, unless it is for selfish reasons, gain, or to avoid punishment. what is truth? there are always certain facts in a situation. sometimes they might cause to twist or in some other obscure or alter the facts. like,if your life depended on you making a falsehood you would have to consider the consequences and lie. Lies are not always a bad thing if they help you and others around you. It depends on the situation though, like if you are lying to help others in the process than sometimes it is okay. However lying could only get worse and worse because when you constantly lie you have to keep making up lies and it would just be a natural impulse. Your first instinct should`nt be to lie, but if you protecting your personal life or life for that matter, than technically it is permissible.

2. I do not believe Jakob was justified in lying to Mischa about the radio. Some people may say Jakob lied to save the people, but in truth it was because he lied that they were saved, not because he intended that having the impression of possessing a radio would save them. He was lucky that his lie saved them, however it was not an okay thing to do in this circumstance. If Jakob didn't lie then maybe things could have turned out bad, but I still do not agree with it. It's okay to lie if you know it will save somebody, but if you do it for selfish reasons and for attention then it doesnt exactly count. Its because he lied that it saved the people, he wasnt aware of that though at the time he was lying. Also Jakob did not have to lie to save Mischa because he was trying to steal the potatoes, instead he could just warn him and tell him to stop or coming up with a truthful thing to say to him rather than lying. Lying should not be your first impulse.
3. If I were Jakob I probably wouldn't of lied in the first place. I would have been honest about going to the police station and overhearing something about the Russians rather than lying and saying he actually possessed a radio. He should have known that it would turn into a long term lie and that he would have guilt and be responsible for lying to his friend. Although the suicide rate was declined, he could have told them they he heard the radio, but he didnt actually own them. It might persuay them to stay alive. I wouldn't of told different lies, I would have simply just told the truth of the situation from the start. Some consequences of lying about the radio would be Mischa getting beat up, people trusting you for falseness, guilt, people nagging you, not actually knowing what the radio is broadcasting, giving up the hopes of the litle girl, and their also could have been more serious results to this action. Some consequences to not lying could result in death or suicide of others, but then again if the truth was told maybe they would still have some faith and behave well in the camps. You can not control other peoples actions, but you can control your own.

andrea said...

By the way this is AJ in your B2 class.. it just says clay because my friends brother made a blog with my email for it. haha